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TÜV-SÜD trust for the ProTUBE F model!

TÜV-SÜD trust for the ProTUBE F model!

Our quality department continues to work on quality new projects. Robustness, durability, occupational health and safety specifications of ProTUBE F Folding Mobile Towers are certificated by TÜV-SÜD according to EN1004.

As a result of long-term studies, we were entitled to receive the TÜV SÜD - EN1004 (Mobile access and work towers made of prefabricated elements - Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements) product quality certificate in 3 different sizes of the Protube F Folding Mobile Towers, which passed through a test process and engaged our products with the TÜV-SÜD brand’s trust. 

EN 1004 product quality certificate is valid all over the world and it has been given to our company by TÜV-SÜD after tests, inspections and examinations.

Our customers can verify our certificates from the link below. (You can verify it by typing Cagsan Merdiven in the search section)



ProTUBE F360